The water requirement calculator reliably calculates your individual water requirement
20 Years
70 kg
We help you calculate your daily water needs using a formula that calculates your individual water needs based on your age, body weight, gender, and other factors.
A startling result of a study by a Berlin-based institute commissioned by SodaStream® highlights the lack of knowledge about one's water needs. The study surveyed more than 1,000 Germans about their water consumption.
Less than needed
drink too little
The water requirement calculator helps you with this question. The water requirement calculator calculates your optimal need for fluid and thus clarifies the question of how much fluid you really need per day. The calculated value also includes the water intake through food.
There are many factors that influence the daily water requirements of a person. Our calculator therefore helps you to answer the question "How much do I need to drink daily?" using as many factors as possible.
Among other things, we use the following factors that affect a person's daily water needs:
The water consumption of the Germans is quickly neglected in the stressful everyday life and especially by older people and often simply forgotten. Many are at a loss as to how much water their bodies actually need on a daily basis.
For health, it is of great importance that the human body is supplied with plenty of water throughout the day. Physical ailments, emotional crises and also weight gain are few of many consequences of a small but constant lack of water.